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Sign-Up For Yarde Metals ASN

Please complete the following information to allow us to route your shipping notification emails to the proper recipient.

Account Information:

First Name:*
Last Name:*
Company Name:*
Address 2:
Zip Code:*
Customer Number:+
+Your customer number can be found on a Yarde Metals invoice or packing slip above your company name/address.
Shipment Notification Email Address:++
++ADDING MULTIPLE BUYERS TO YOUR ASN ACCOUNT: All email addresses registered under your ASN account will receive shipping paperwork for every order under this account number. Orders will not be separated by email address. Please complete this form for each email address.

BY SUBMITTING THIS FORM, YOU AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS: I understand that by submitting this form, I will begin receiving automatic shipment notification emails from Yarde Metals, Inc. to the email address specified above. I represent that I am authorized to request these shipment notifications to the address indicated above. These emails will continue for each new shipment unless opted out by contacting a Yarde Metals, Inc. customer service representative. Due to the nature of email, delivery of shipping notification emails cannot be guaranteed by Yarde Metals, Inc.

Authorized Representative Electronic Signature:*
By clicking this box you agree to the terms and conditions listed above.